A view of Oklahoma from the rafters!

Oklahoma! - A refreshing change

Hey everyone!

Last week, I had the opportunity to play in a production of “Oklahoma!” and I wanted to share a bit about the experience. For those who might not know, “Oklahoma!” is a classic musical written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. It first premiered in 1943 and has been a staple in the world of musical theatre ever since.

I don’t often get to perform in shows that feature two violins, but a lot of strings is a staple of these older shows. The dynamic of having two violins added a rich layer to the musical score that you don’t always get with a single violin part.

The show itself was a nice change from my usual wedding performances. Weddings are always special, but doing a full musical production is a different kind of challenge. It was a bit of a long show, and while there were a few standout songs that I really enjoyed, the overall musical content wasn’t the most captivating I’ve played. However, the cast did an incredible job bringing the story and characters to life.

Looking forward to the next adventure, whether it’s a wedding, another musical, or something entirely different.

Thanks for reading!
